Magnesium deficiency is common in most individuals and you don't want to be one of them!
This essential mineral is key for immunity and optimal health. Multiple studies show that individuals with insulin resistance have lower levels of magnesium. Evidence also suggests that adequate magnesium supplementation helps lower insulin in subjects without diabetes. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to increased symptoms of anxiety and depression. Low levels of magnesium can cause immune deficiency and oxidative stress! It is extremely difficult to get adequate magnesium just by eating whole foods like nuts, seeds and leafy greens and man have l earned this truth in my own wellness journey the hard way which is why I am telling you to keep reading and then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Thanks to soil depletion and food preparation magnesium is tough to acquire indirectly...also thanks to:
insulin resistance
metabolic syndrome
these factors impact our magnesium supply and can deplete our stores. So yes, you guessed it-the more you stress the more you deplete magnesium and the cycle goes round and round. It's difficult to meet the RDA by just eating good whole food because many diseases linked to insulin resistance like diabetes and heart failure along with various medications and general aging can also increase magnesium loss. So what can you do about it?
Well for starters, a simple fix would be to incorporate more high quality red meat into your diet.
SIDENOTE: I highly recommend purchasing grass fed grass finished animal products from my favorite 6th generation REGENERATIVE FARM known as White Oak Pastures (use PROMO CODE BODYRITE to get 10% OFF your first order)..their website is easy to navigate and they ship right to your door, AMAZING!
I know I know what you are are thinking, as a health coach I hear it all the time..."my doctor told me to reduce my red meat intake because of my cholesterol." It's likely that ALL OF US have been told that foods like red meat, eggs, and bacon raise our cholesterol levels. This idea is so deeply implanted in our cultural subconscious that few people even question it. But is it really true? Guess what, back In 2015, our government discreetly revised dietary guidelines and ditched the strict limit on cholesterol that had been in place since the 1960s because newer evidence didn’t support an association between eating cholesterol in the diet and heart disease. It's likely that strict limits on saturated fat will be dropped in the future. And just so you know, a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials of low-carb diets (which tend to be high in saturated fat) have shown that they have beneficial impacts on several cardiovascular disease risk markers, including body weight, triglycerides, fasting glucose, blood pressure, body mass index, abdominal circumference, plasma insulin, HDL cholesterol, and C-reactive protein. So in sum, don't be scared of eating more red meat!
Some plant foods, like pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts and leafy greens have good amounts of magnesium in them but I have concerns in regard to the plant toxicity of these food sources and how much our bodies can actually absorb these helpful minerals and nutrients in the presence of phytates and lectins. So another alternative would be supplementation in the form of a pill or powder. I take my magnesium supplement in the evening closer to lights out time because magnesium does promote relaxation and stress relief because it is necessary in order for our bodies to produce serotonin! Click here to learn more about the RDA recommendations but my research indicates that it's really hard to OD on magnesium, so depending on your dietary practices it's likely that you may need up to 500mg/day.
We are all a work in progress myself included! Protecting and optimizing our health is priority number one for me and as a Primal Certified Health Coach and Nutrition Educator, health centered programs like FITCAMP and the Bodyrite 21 Day Reset are all about clearing the path of confusion and paving the way towards health betterment. I warmly invite you to have a conversation with me!
Own your health!
xoxo Paige Romanowski, CPT, Founder of Bodyrite Training